Episode 61: Author Answers with S.Z. Attwell

Ep 61: Author Answers with S.Z. Attwell
Fable & The Verbivore

Today we have Sabrina Attwell, also known as S.Z. Attwell, with us talking about her writing rituals, routines, and tools.

S.Z. Attwell is the author of Aestus, an epic dystopian science-fiction series that focuses on the long-term societal effects of severe climate change. It's been described by reviewers as "...masterful...on par with the best in the genre..." and "a phenomenal read," as well as "the best fiction book I've read this year." She chose to focus on this subject because she considers it vitally important that we do something about climate change and environmental issues NOW.

Sabrina's a part-time science writer in her everyday life, and has an M.A. in media studies; she does photography and archery on the side. She lives in New England, though she was raised in the Pacific Northwest and still misses the open land (and her cats).

She loves interacting with readers/other writers and is active on social media (especially Twitter)!

We hope you enjoy this mini-episode and that it leaves you feeling inspired to find the things that help put you in the right mood to write.

Into the woods,

Fable & The Verbivore

Music from: https://filmmusic.io
’Friendly day’ by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)