Episode 76: Interview with Tiffany Clarke Harrison (part 2)

Today, Fable and the Verbivore have the pleasure in sharing the conclusion to our two-part interview with Tiffany Clarke Harrison.

Tiffany is a developmental editor, intuitive writing coach, and self-published author of the novel If I Fell. She has a profound understanding of the inner journey intuitives undertake when they sit down to create and consistently provides gems of advice for writers on her Instagram account @rochellewritersstudio. We also highly recommend checking out the free offerings on her website Rochelle Writers Studio: 1) a guided meditation to help Reclaim your voice and 2) a written guide to help Revise your draft.

In this episode, Tiffany talks about what her coaching sessions look and feel like - as well as her unique approach that focuses on the writer becoming more in tune with themselves and their work while also gaining a deeper understanding of the psychology of their characters.

She also shares advice gained from her experience in her MFA program, cold querying and participating in #PitMad, working with an agent, listening to her gut about her work, and opening up her work for feedback from others. Throughout this episode, Tiffany shared a ton of great advice - but she ended by encouraging creatives to just keep going and not to give up.

We hope you enjoy listening to this episode! Keep reading, writing, and putting your voice out there!

  • Into the woods,

Fable & The Verbivore


Tiffany’s professional website is RochelleWritersStudio.com and her Instagram account is @rochellewritersstudio. You can connect with her on social media, and we would highly recommend checking out the wisdom and advice located within the Writing Tools and Music Muse sections of her Instagram stories. Her website also lists the developmental editing and book coaching services she provides and her current rates.

Tiffany mentions that she participated in the quartertly PitMad event where authors pitch their completed manuscripts to agents over twitter using the hashtag #PitMad. Here is a link to more information: https://pitchwars.org/pitmad/

  • “#PitMad is the original twitter pitch event, where writers tweet a 280-character pitch for their completed, polished, unpublished manuscripts. No previously published works. Agents and acquiring editors make requests by liking/favoriting the tweeted pitch.”

Books Mentioned:

Music from: https://filmmusic.io
’Friendly day’ by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)