Episode 85: Author Answers with Ryder Hunte Clancy

Today, we’re so excited to have Ryder Hunte Clancy with us for our Author Answer episode. Ryder shares her unique experience finding an agent and querying publishing houses. She also shares five helpful tips for when you’re preparing to query.

Ryder Hunte Clancy is the author of bestselling young adult fantasy, Mystic Invisible, a thrilling and adventure-packed story about a teenage wizard who moves to the mystically jeopardized Highlands of Scotland to find that magic is forbidden in a place where legends run awry. A tried and true stay-at-home mom, she has just as much trouble keeping up with her three small children as she does her fictional teenage characters.

When not changing diapers or filling in plot holes, Ryder is busy connecting with other authors and readers. She is part of the executive team at Calliope Writing Coach. She has years of experience in developmental editing and loves to teach other writers about the art of landing a perfect pitch.

You can connect with Ryder on Instagram and Twitter.

Keep reading, writing, and putting your voice out there!

Into the Woods,

Fable & The Verbivore